“Because it’s like a cloudy day, also it’s between black—not knowing—and white—knowing.”
“Because grey invokes a sense of weirdness for me.”
Confusion is orange because…
“Chaotic. Chaos causes confusion. But confusion is also just generally a colorful blur.”
“Orange is warm, but not hot—a compound also used to make new colors.”
“Confusion is like caution, it causes you to stop, think, and be aware. And caution is associated with orange. Like traffic cones. ”
“Orange is warm and buzzy.”
“Makes me feel dizzy and lost, feels more complex than other colors which confuses me.”
Confusion is yellow because…
“It’s alarming and terrifying!”
“I don't know—it’s bright and strange.”
“A question mark looks best when yellow.
Confusion is pink because…
“It’s the psychic type Pokémon colour associated, with confusion status.”
Confusion is brown because…
“The other colors know EXACTLY who they are, but brown is a little less defined.”
“Brown is muddy, murky, and a blend of many other unidentifiable colors.”
Confusion is white because…
“White represents blankness and emptiness.”
“I don't know, but it’s every colour blended according to the British education.”
Confusion is green because…
“I think it’s a scribbly, mess of color but just a bit more green.”
“There are so many things that are very green: grass, leaves, lots of animals, clothes, and way too many different shades, and I have near-sightedness which makes it very difficult to tell the difference from far away.”
Confusion is blue because…
“The bluebirds that swirl around your head.”
“Blue reminds me of math, specifically math questions.”
“It’s like the feeling of the huge scale of the sea and sky, stuff kinda just ‘floats around’ and doesn't sit in any kind of specific structure or purpose.”
Confusion is black because…
“Can’t see in the dark.”
Confusion is red because…
“It’s what cartoons colour the question marks of characters who are confused.”